Board Readiness Program

Accelerate Your Career and Get Board Ready

We Help Executives Successfully Transition to the Next Phase of their Careers

Are you an executive wanting to give back or begin your next chapter? Are you motivated to contribute to the success of a company or a cause that you believe in as a board member? At CPI, we know the prospect of joining a board can feel complex and cumbersome.  We can assist you in simplifying the process and connecting you with the best branding and coaching  resources to soundly prepare you to take on a board leadership role.

CPI specializes in preparing executive candidates for board roles by assessing, branding and coaching candidates to success.  Whether you are currently on a board or are exploring board leadership for the first time, being “board ready” has more to do with your ability to connect your areas of expertise with what the board needs to deliver on its strategy.  What many people do not realize is that the board member selection process can be just as rigorous and complex as an executive job search.  CPI is unmatched in its ability to personalize the experience according to the individual executive’s needs.  

Strategic Board Planning Process

To obtain a spot on the board you want, you’ll need to brand yourself and your skills to match up with the organization’s growth intention and strategy.  Quality marketing tools are essential. With your coach, you’ll build a Board Plan to target appropriate organizations, recruiters and specific individuals with whom to professionally network.  During the assessment and branding process, you’ll gain insight into your unique leadership strengths and knowledge to help you articulate why you are the right candidate for a board role.  During the coaching process, you’ll define what type of board makes the most sense for you, as there are multiple types to choose from. 

Strategic Board Planning Process

To obtain a spot on the board you want, you’ll need to brand yourself and your skills to match up with the organization’s growth intention and strategy.  Quality marketing tools are essential. With your coach, you’ll build a Board Plan to target appropriate organizations, recruiters and specific individuals with whom to professionally network.  During the assessment and branding process, you’ll gain insight into your unique leadership strengths and knowledge to help you articulate why you are the right candidate for a board role.  During the coaching process, you’ll define what type of board makes the most sense for you, as there are multiple types to choose from. 

Combining Branding Best Practices & Technology

CPI prepares board-ready executive candidates through a proprietary branding process to help them construct marketing tools that set them apart from the competition.  In addition to resume review, each candidate receives their own personal “Board Bio” that is written and constructed by a CPI coach. Each executive has access to LinkedIn expert Anne Pryor to position them effectively for board opportunities online with rich content and visual appeal.  Finally, CPI leverages the latest in technology and SEO optimization with its Executive Brand InView online digital marketing tool to help the executive board candidate stand out and be found.

Networking is Mandatory​

Long-term relationships forged on a Board are due to the inherent passion for the work of the organization as well as the ability of the Board to align and embrace diversity of thought.  When a company scours the market for a dynamic and driven Board leader, they often have established selection criteria along with a job description.  One of the most important pieces of the Board puzzle is in fact, regular networking.  Working with a CPI coach, you will learn to work strategically and diligently to expand your network in order to make connections with other leaders on targeted boards and be able to demonstrate how your background and experience contributes to their success.   

Networking is Mandatory​

Long-term relationships forged on a Board are due to the inherent passion for the work of the organization as well as the ability of the Board to align and embrace diversity of thought.  When a company scours the market for a dynamic and driven Board leader, they often have established selection criteria along with a job description.  One of the most important pieces of the Board puzzle is in fact, regular networking.  Working with a CPI coach, you will learn to work strategically and diligently to expand your network in order to make connections with other leaders on targeted boards and be able to demonstrate how your background and experience contributes to their success.   

Creative and Contemporary Career Guidance

CPI Twin Cities specializes in working with leaders seeking non-traditional careers. We can help you explore a new path in any one of the following exciting ways:


Portfolio Careers

According to David Corbett, best-selling author of “Portfolio Life” a Portfolio Career is a balanced mix of several key life areas, all of which are tailored to an individual’s life and goals, which may include: professional work, learning, leisure, family time and giving back.  There are several risks and rewards to choosing a Portfolio Career.  Working with a CPI Coach, you’ll determine what is the right path to bring you the greatest satisfaction.

Learn about the multiple benefits to choosing a Portfolio Career, including: 

In today’s flexible workforce, you’ll learn about all the multiple options for a fulfilling Portfolio Career including:

Talk to a CPI Coach today about how to begin putting the pieces together for your own, unique portfolio career.


How do you know when you’re ready to give up a steady paycheck and take the leap into the world of consulting? Today over 40% of Americans work as consultants, freelancers and independents, according to the latest study by UpWork and Freelancer’s Union. These numbers continue to rise, both due to the dissatisfaction created by the pandemic, but also because the money and the freedom is too good. Consultants do what they do because they have a demonstrated skill people want to pay for.  And they get to decide where and with whom they work. They set their own schedules and pay structure. It requires business development know-how, business savvy and comfort with risk. At CPI, we customize our assessments to determine how well you might succeed as an entrepreneur and consultant.  Contact us now to learn more.

Contact us - female at desk

Business Start-ups

Entrepreneurs are starting businesses every minute of every day around the world.  Many believe they will be successful. How do business owners gain the confidence to move forward with their ideas? They begin with a business start-up plan in order to obtain the capital, followed by a marketing plan to gain traction and confidence. As part of our executive coaching practice, CPI executive coaches can help you think through some of the most important aspects of starting up a new business.

As you think about starting a business, there are many decisions to make.  With CPI in your corner, you’ll access referrals to partners to assist you with:

Pre-Retirement Planning

It’s never too early to start planning for your “next chapter.”   Defining what retirement means for you and beginning the process of planning is an exciting task that  can be intimidating for some. The many opportunities and options for a great future can be overwhelming! It is important to take the time to make the best plans and decisions possible for your own  happiness and well-being. That’s why we have certified CPI Retirement Coaches able to work with you on creating a blueprint for what’s next.  We offer  coaching s to help you navigate next steps.  Any retirement planning program always begins with a comprehensive assessment – producing a Life Options Profile™, developed by Richard P. Johnson, Ph.D., that identifies the individual’s preparedness for every facet of retirement. The profile will help you and your  certified Career Partners International coach focus on strengths as well as areas where you  are least prepared.  Reach out to one of our CPI Coaches to learn more about how you can start thinking about your retirement.  We’d be happy to share some success stories.  Contact a CPI Coach if you’d like to learn more.

HR experts

Board Opportunities

CPI is well-suited to offer targeted coaching on how you might focus your relationship-building and marketing efforts to gain a Board position.  For further details, please contact us to speak to a CPI consultant.